關於 / about H@L
Our Work Team
黃 冠中 / Kuanchung Huang
建築師 / Architect"I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think."
Zaha Hadid江怡慧 / Nikki Chiang
設計師 / Designer簡建傑 / Chienchieh Chien
工務經理 / Construction Manager
建築都是社會的“迂迴未成形的行動”(failed act),
設計研究 / 研究設計 方法的操作經驗
More than a methodology, a philosophy.9 points introduced by 黃冠中 (和 環境設計研究室).
Our Work Team
黃 冠中 / Kuanchung Huang
建築師 / Architect"I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think."
Zaha Hadid江怡慧 / Nikki Chiang
設計師 / Designer簡建傑 / Chienchieh Chien
工務經理 / Construction Manager
The concept of H@L is meant to be the platform that provides different sectors working together. It requires specialists with cross-disciplinary background for comprehensive research, while it takes professionals with practical experience to fulfill it. The platform concept particular focus on collaboration between these two parts. I hope this introduction can explain the process in a simple way. There will be the story of each project and the concept we learn from it.
Architectures are the failed act of social movement, …cannot be taken but strong enough to carve on stone, cement, steel and glass. (Hsia, 2009)
The form of Sisyphis stone
An experience of ‘design by research/ research by design’
More than a methodology, a philosophy.9 points introduced by KC Huang (H@L design and research).
It is difficult to evaluate architecture with diverse value and preference, especially in contemporary society. The discussion might disperse from ideology to representational meanings. However, as an author, I would like to leave the space of discourse to the critics. Smart design is easier to explain: find efficient solutions by the way of diagrams, images or words. Nevertheless, the good solution depends very much on a good question.
Research help to ask good questions. For example, in the project, visitor centre in Augu wetland, we found out the severe condition of water management in the wetland. The fresh water is pumped out during rain season while the evaporation dries out the soil. In consequence, the land is sinking. Then more salty water contaminates the soil, and the buildings are in danger of flood. Therefore, we propose the design base on water management. [more]
It is not convincing to say that a small plot can save the whole region. The idea is based on the hypothesis that all the plots would do the same. We create this scenario for the project.
The scenario can be quite radical in order to test the capacity of the environment. In the master plan project, ’Green Cell’, we create the scenario, ‘ what if… all the urban area are covered by solar panel?’ the testing result shows us that Kinmen can be net-zero energy isle by the supply solar panels.
How does it look like as a net-zero isle? Space shuttle in the star war movies or Hogwarts in Harry Potter? By means of the design result, we are able to show the quality of the design strategy. The designers are making believe the scenario: the isle of solar panel can still be charming and the visitor centre on the water is fun. In another project, Chenkuo traditional market, we use the image to illustrate how scooter can be adapted into a charming marketplace. [more]
We use design as the means to tackle contemporary issue. Those what are frequently discussed and executive present the most urgent urban issue.
Mobility is related to different scale and transportation mode. Some architecture obviously requires high efficiency of mobility. The logistic chain in traditional market is even more delicate than in modern shopping mall. Some other seems to be unrelated to mobility. By means of proper mobility management, the place can be reactivated to the public. In the project of Meinong Library, which is located in old urban block, the circulation of urban flow is more important than open space. [more]
Sustainable issue becomes more urgent under the global climate change. Several disasters happened in Taiwan recently make the scenario even more real. It is ironic that Taiwanese are not good with water when there is water all around. Water management is delicate but scientific. 10 cm of water can flood the floor. The exhaust of stream has to overcome 300 m height from mountain to plein. [more]
Strategic can be simply perceived as ‘ point, system, and zone’. It functions more like a loop rather than a one way process. The research on regional scale can be narrow down to a strategic place; on the contrarily, the strategic design should be able to contribute to a regional scale. That is why most of our projects are in architectural scale but represent urban issue. Logically, those topic about urban tissue, open space, landscape and architecture are the ways of choreography space, not the issue itself.
We would rather think of the scientific method is the way how we read the space than design the space. What matters is the loop of ‘design by research / research by design. We are able to tackle different social issue by means of design. SCENARIO CONSTRUCTION and STRATEGIC DESIGN are the technology supporting this methodology. [more]