The form of Sisyphis stone
設計研究 / 研究設計 方法的操作經驗
An experience of ‘design by research / research by design’
設計研究 / Design by research
Research help to ask good questions. For example, in the project, visitor centre in Augu wetland, we found out the severe condition of water management in the wetland. The fresh water is pumped out during rain season while the evaporation dries out the soil. In consequence, the land is sinking. Then more salty water contaminates the soil, and the buildings are in danger of flood. Therefore, we propose the design base on water management. Architecture functions as the mechanism for the system. It is too easy and irresponsible to say, ‘okay, we should make the building higher then the flood level, and it would be fine’. In fact, many houses in that region are sinking and then flooded. We came up with the question, ‘how to formulate a sustainable water management system’, concluded from research process. Further more, we design a close system in the designated plot. It is an self-sufficient water management unit. Our concept is the distributed system instead of centralized system. Thus, each plot can contribute to the whole environment. No need to wait for a regional project to solve this. That’s what we call a ‘smart design’.
5當代都市議題 / Contemporary urban issue