The form of Sisyphis stone
設計研究 / 研究設計 方法的操作經驗
An experience of ‘design by research / research by design’
都市移動 Mobility / Mobility
Mobility is related to different scale and transportation mode. Some architecture obviously requires high efficiency of mobility. The logistic chain in traditional market is even more delicate than in modern shopping mall. Some other seems to be unrelated to mobility. By means of proper mobility management, the place can be reactivated to the public. In the project of Meinong Library, which is located in old urban block, the circulation of urban flow is more important than open space.
On regional scale, different form of infrastructure enhance different city form. In other words, different city form requires different infrastructure to support it. The research projects about Paris and Taipei are both based on this issue. The outcome of both projects are quite different. It shows why Taipei should develop her own system instead of repeating other experience.
5當代都市議題 / Contemporary urban issue