The form of Sisyphis stone
設計研究 / 研究設計 方法的操作經驗
An experience of ‘design by research / research by design’
空間閱讀 / Reading the space
與其說我們試圖以科學的方法與態度開始一個設計,那倒不如說我們用這樣的方式來閱讀所身處的環境。核心的工作態度,是以「研究/設計」(design by research / research by design)互用為體的方式,進行設計的發展與評估,讓對於設計成果的評斷,回饋到對於都市環境的研究中。其中主要的技術性工具,包括:「情境建構」(scenario construction)和「策略式設計」(strategic design),以此來切入當代都市環境的議題。
We would rather think of the scientific method is the way how we read the space than design the space. What matters is the loop of ‘design by research / research by design. We are able to tackle different social issue by means of design. SCENARIO CONSTRUCTION and STRATEGIC DESIGN are the technology supporting this methodology.
So quick is the modern society changed that no mater plan is able to catch up with. It is already difficult to describe what just happen, no mention how to manage it. We use design as our tool for social engagement. Thus, we are able to understand the world better.
So quick is the modern society changed that no mater plan is able to catch up with. It is already difficult to describe what just happen, no mention how to manage it. We use design as our tool for social engagement. Thus, we are able to understand the world better.
5當代都市議題 / Contemporary urban issue