The form of Sisyphis stone
設計研究 / 研究設計 方法的操作經驗
An experience of ‘design by research / research by design’
水治理 / Water Management
Sustainable issue becomes more urgent under the global climate change. Several disasters happened in Taiwan recently make the scenario even more real. It is ironic that Taiwanese are not good with water when there is water all around. Water management is delicate but scientific. 10 cm of water can flood the floor. The exhaust of stream has to overcome 300 m height from mountain to plein.
Some similar experience can be shared between dutch polder and the wetland in Augu. What different is the scale of polder in Holland and the severe seasonal precipitation in Taiwan. The dutch experience help to deal with the water management in an scientific way.
Some similar experience can be shared between dutch polder and the wetland in Augu. What different is the scale of polder in Holland and the severe seasonal precipitation in Taiwan. The dutch experience help to deal with the water management in an scientific way.
5當代都市議題 / Contemporary urban issue